Talent blog: Fuel your talent
FUEL YOUR TALENT Talent needs energy. Talent needs time for reflection and relaxation to be maintained and grow. This time should be a regular part of your life. But how do you know what the right fuel is for your talent? Let me first clear up a couple of misunderstandings. I charge my…
Read MoreTalent blog: Talent does not lie
TALENT DOES NOT LIE Talent does not work with ‘alternative facts’. You may get side-tracked for a while and get lost, but if you remain aware of your talent, you will automatically get back on your feet at some point. Success This is what Kareen in Zimbabwe experienced. She was one of the participants…
Read MoreTalent blog: Talent boost needed? Find a teacher
NEED A TALENT BOOST? FIND A TEACHER! There is little as stimulating for the growth of your talent as a teacher! Teachers show you that you have more to offer than you thought. They give direction and help you tame your dragons. Do you want to boost your talent? Become a student! I am…
Read MoreTalent blog: Give yourself a wish for 2017!
GIVE YOURSELF A WISH FOR 2017! Good intentions? Help. Before the end of January, I have already forgotten what my intention was. Which is a pity, because, in every intention lurks a wish. And fulfilling your wish stimulates the growth of your talent. The problem with good intentions is that for your wish to…
Read MoreTalent blog: Talent and Trump
TALENT AND TRUMP It was during our Brilliant Entrepreneur seminar in Albania that the results of the election in the US came through. Trump as president. It was a shock for most of us. Some of the participants even asked us: ‘Trump, I do not believe that he has a talent. So how could he…
Read MoreTalent blog: Talent is much more than your job
TALENT IS MUCH MORE THAN YOUR JOB Talent is not limited to your job: it shows itself in all sorts of situations. Talent is not about what you do, it’s about how you do it. A footballer’s talent is not limited to playing football. If it were, his talent would stop at the age of…
Read MoreTalent blog: Show yourself in a pitch
SHOW YOUR TALENT IN PITCH The potential of women entrepreneurs is enormous. Unfortunately, many female entrepreneurs are too modest to tell others what their talent is or to show the achievements of their company. These suggestions will help you gain confidence in showcasing your talent and attracting the interest of a potential client or investor!…
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